The passion week has come to a close and it’s the Resurrection Sunday today, better known as Easter. The passion and love of Jesus Christ, which granted mankind the precious gift of salvation, is the theme resonating in the background. There are people who observe and celebrate this week with much reverence. There are some who have made it yet another festival to be commercialized. And there are some like me, who believe that the message of Good Friday and Easter is not something to be illuminated once a year, but something that illuminates your spirit and soul every second of every day. The radiance of divine resurrection irradiates mankind. It`s the message that gave my life a whole new meaning. The following is a poem I wrote sometime back, when this message of Christ`s passion and love filled me up beyond the brim, and overflowed as words.

You forsook majesty, came in search of me,
Bore my transgressions, crucified to set me free,
The agony and scorn, and the crown of thorns,
Your silent acceptance, for the salvation we adorn.

You defied death, and defeated the grave,
Rose up on the third day, true to the word You gave,
Ascended to heaven, seated beside the Father,
Yet promised to return, when the elect You will gather.

Oh my soul yearns, to seek Your face,
To know You more, Your love and grace,
For Your Spirit Oh God, to teach Your will,
To listen to Your voice, in Your presence to be still.

How blessed it is, to walk with You Lord,
Sheltered by Your love, Cleansed by Your blood,
Each day closer, each day nearer,
With your praise on my lips, nothing else dearer.


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