TB or not TB, that’s the question! March 24 th , observed as World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, commemorates the day in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced the discovery of the miscreant responsible for colossal damage across centuries – a microscopic organism called Mycobacterium tuberculosis . This year, the day unleashed a volley of memories, which I thought were pen-worthy. As an undergraduate, the first time we were exposed to a live TB patient, was in our clinical chest medicine posting in 2 nd year MBBS. Till then, we knew TB only as the disease caused by pink cylindrical bacteria seen through the microscope. We half expected to see pink tall warriors ready to jump into our lungs and infect us. Parents warned us of the perils of getting infected with TB, and used the opportunity to instill in us the importance of a heavy breakfast. We wore one or two face-masks for protection. With a heavy breakfast, the double mask and white coat, we thought our armor was complete...