
Broken Yet a Blessing

When God breaks me down to shards, Let me be as the Alabaster Jar, Broken yet a blessing, Shattered to spread fragrance. When God asks me to die to my self, Let me be as a fallen grain of wheat, Dying yet reborn, Buried to bear much fruit. When God beckons me to follow Him, Let me carry my cross daily, Shamed yet honoured, A life lost to gain eternity. When God reveals His glory, Let me fall down at His feet, Humbled yet glorified, Casting crowns to worship eternally.


  We have come to the last and final part of the series- Preparing Hospital Bag for Delivery. In spite of my tight schedule, I wanted to finish the series before my friend AV actually needed to start packing (I will follow up on that a little later). So here we go!  


  Writing a blog with a 7 weeks old baby is by no means an easy task, but it was encouraging to have many positive reviews and they definitely motivated me to continue. In this post I plan to cover the preparation of mother’s bag for delivery.   MOTHER'S (+ CARETAKER’S) BAG Going to hospital as one and coming back as two is definitely an exciting thought, but also needs a lot of preparation from the mothers’s side. Here is a list of items needed in the mother’s bag.


    It has been over 6 weeks since I became a mother, and little did I imagine that so soon I would be writing a blog. In fact, when a friend suggested that I restart writing, I scoffed at him. How to write a blog with a demanding baby who wants me around all the time! Unexpectedly, few days later my good friend AV, a soon-to-be-mom, asked me whether I can give her a practical list for preparing a hospital bag for delivery , and boom! Here I am, all sleep derived and pressed for time, typing just that, while my baby sleeps next to me.   Enough of boring introductions! I just want to remind AV, and anybody else who reads this post, to understand what you are about to read is my personal opinions and experiences. There maybe someone who disagrees with me, or someone who wants a bigger or smaller list. Feel free to comment if I have missed something or you want to tell me something I don’t know.   For the ease of organizing my flow of thoughts, I have classified the li...


CORONA, HOSANNA and HALLELUJAH As I pen down this article, the world statistics of Covid-19 stand at a total of 1,781,383 cases and  108,880 deaths. We are under a lock-down – a period of absolute nothingness such as we have never experienced before. The graphs around the world are neither favourable nor reassuring. Our generation, especially the millennials, are being forced into a sudden pause that stagnated our fast-moving and busy lives. None of this is good news. Of course, we try to unlock the lock-down with sugar, spice and everything nice, but not all sections of society have the privilege to “celebrate” the curfew. Amidst all the gloom and doom and the depressing dubiety, a big section of Christendom is still recovering from the unprecedented crisis of observing the Holy Week at home. Is everything around in shades of grey as we perceive them, or are there rays of hope to which our eyes are blind? Palm Sunday or Hosanna Sunday, celebrated by some Christian c...


A CHRISTMAS POEM December is here; season`s greetings abound, Carols and cakes to savour; stars and lights surround, Fun, frolic, and the like; its a celebration,   Folks flock together; its time for jubilation. Amidst the shower of gifts,balloons and trees, Where is the baby boy; God`s gift to you and me? Has Jesus been born in your hearts, has He been sought? Is He just a clay doll, in the plastic manger that you bought? Is Jesus at the centre, or hidden by Santa Claus? Is it still about Immanuel, who came down to be with us? Born as a bundle of hope; dies for our sins on the cross, Yet conquering death and our hearts, up from the grave he arose! This is the good news of Christmas; the reason for exultation! Make this season different; let us uphold salvation! Repent, return and receive; invite the Saviour in, Celebrate Christmas anew; for you are born again!


The original intention of language has always been communication and self-expression. Language has evolved considerably throughout history, from sign languages in the ancient ages to the colloquial lingos uttered by the Generation Z. Pondering upon the diversity of languages across the globe is both humbling and exhilarating. It is diversity that makes life on earth both fascinating and riveting. India has always stood tall for unity in diversity. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, and Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh, there is no dearth for diversity in culture, complexion, food and language. India ranks fourth in the list of countries with maximum number of indigenous languages, with a whopping number of 453! I have always been proud of this inclusivity and unity in India. And this pride has wilted today, after hearing about the recent events in my alma mater, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI), Bangalore. For those who are unaware, ...